Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Roadmap and Action Plan
As a part of its action to support emissions targets for 43% on 2005 levels by 2030 and net zero by 2050,the government is developing six sectoral plans. The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is seeking your feedback on the Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Roadmap by 26th July 2024.
Transport is the third-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Australia, amounting to 21% of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2023. The Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Roadmap and Action Plan will be the net zero sectoral plan for the transport and transport infrastructure sectors.
This Consultation Roadmap seeks feedback on potential pathways for transport and transport infrastructure to support economy-wide net zero as well as the actions or policies the Australian Government will need to take to support these potential pathways.

Give your feedback on the Roadmap
The Roadmap is inherently high level, principles based, but covering road and rail, maritime and air transport it is still 100 pages. You can get a flavour of the consultation and the parts that may be you focus from the questions below.
Consultation questions
- 1. Do you agree with the proposed guiding principles?
- 2. Do you support the use of the avoid-shift-improve framework as a tool to identify opportunities for abatement?
- 3. Do you agree the development of a national policy framework for active and public transport will support emissions reduction?
- 4. What should be included in a national policy framework for active and public transport and how should it be developed?
- 5. What additional actions by governments, communities, industry and other stakeholders need to be taken now and in the future to ensure the movement of people contributes to transport emissions reduction?
- 6. The Australian Government has already engaged in consultation on the 2023 review of the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy and those consultations will also inform the final Roadmap and Action Plan. 6.1. What additional actions by governments, communities, industry and other stakeholders need to be taken now and in the future to ensure that the movement of goods contributes to transport emissions reduction? 6.2. How would these actions address the identified challenges and opportunities for emissions reduction in the movement of goods?
- 7. Do you agree with the proposed net zero pathway for light road vehicles?
- 8. The Australian Government is currently developing an Australian New Vehicle Efficiency Standard and has already begun to implement actions in the National Electric Vehicle Strategy. 8.1 What additional actions by governments, communities, industry and other stakeholders need to be taken now and in the future to reduce light vehicle emissions? 8.2. How would these actions address the identified challenges and opportunities to reduce light vehicle emissions?
- 9. Do you agree with the proposed net zero pathway for heavy road vehicles?
- 10. The proposed pathway for heavy road vehicles relies on a mix of battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell and low carbon liquid fuels. Rank from 1 to 3 the order in which these should be prioritised for emissions reduction. 10.1. Why did you rank them in that order?
- 11. What role should low carbon liquid fuels play in heavy vehicle decarbonisation?
- 12. What additional actions by governments, communities, industry and other stakeholders need to be taken now and in the future to reduce heavy vehicle emissions? 12.1. How would these actions address the identified challenges and opportunities to reduce heavy vehicle emissions?
- 13. Do you agree with the proposed net zero pathway for rail?
- 14. The proposed pathway for rail relies on a mix of battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell and low carbon liquid fuels. Rank from 1 to 3 the order in which these should be prioritised for emissions reduction. 14.1. Why did you rank them in that order?
- 15. What role should low carbon liquid fuels play in rail decarbonisation?
- 16. What additional actions by governments, communities, industry and other stakeholders need to be taken now and in the future to reduce rail emissions? 16.1. How would these actions address the identified challenges and opportunities to reduce rail emissions?
- 17. Do you agree with the proposed net zero pathway for maritime?
- 18. The Australian Government is engaging in consultation as part of the development of the Maritime Emissions Reduction National Action Plan and those consultations will also inform the final Roadmap and Action Plan. 18.1. What additional actions by governments, communities, industry and other stakeholders need to be taken now and in the future to reduce maritime emissions? 18.2. How would these actions address the identified challenges and opportunities to reduce maritime emissions?
- 19. Do you agree with the proposed net zero pathway for aviation?
- 20. The Australian Government has already engaged in consultation on aviation decarbonisation through the development of the Aviation White Paper and those consultations will also inform final Roadmap and Action Plan. 20.1. What additional actions by governments, communities, industry and other stakeholders need to be taken now and in the future to reduce aviation emissions? 20.2. How would these actions address the identified challenges and opportunities to reduce aviation emissions?
- 21. Do you agree with the proposed net zero pathway for transport infrastructure?
- 22. What additional actions by governments, communities, industry and other stakeholders need to be taken now and in the future to reduce transport infrastructure emissions and ensure that transport infrastructure is ready for and enables low-emission transport modes? 22.1. How would these actions address the identified challenges and opportunities to reduce transport infrastructure emissions?
- 23. The Australian Government invited views on aspects of the energy transformation that represent the most material challenges and opportunities for the electricity and energy sector. Submissions closed on Friday 12 April 2024 (AEDT). This feedback will be used to inform the development of the Electricity and Energy Sector Plan and Net Zero Plan. The Australian Government will be undertaking targeted consultation to identify options for production incentives to support the establishment of a made in Australia low carbon liquid fuel industry, including through the release of a low carbon liquid fuels consultation paper. Feedback heard through this process will also inform development of the final Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Roadmap and Action Plan. What additional actions by governments, communities, industry and other stakeholders need to be taken now and in the future to ensure the energy mix is ready to support transport emissions reduction?
- 24. How should the use of low carbon liquid fuels be prioritised across different transport modes over time to achieve maximum abatement?
- 25. What are the best ways for the Australian Government to work collaboratively with industry, business, governments and communities to implement the proposed pathways? 25.1. What are good domestic or international examples of partnership and collaboration on transport and transport infrastructure emissions reduction that could inform the final Roadmap and Action Plan? 25.2. What opportunities can the government leverage to show leadership in Australia and internationally?
- 26. What measures and metrics should be used to evaluate the final Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Roadmap and Action Plan? 26.1. What other data and evidence could governments use and how could this offer further insights on the pace, scale and location of transport emissions reduction pathways?
- 27. Do you have any feedback on the proposed review process?
- 28. Do you have any further feedback on the Consultation Roadmap and proposed pathways? 28.1. Is there anything missing? Are the sections appropriately integrated? Is the Roadmap appropriately ambitious?
- 29. Is there any further information or documentation that you wish to be considered with your submission?